Monday, October 8, 2012

"Are you going to Target? May I come, too?"
Yes, the gift card is for me to use. My high schooler gets 4% of anything we load onto that Kroger card for band expenses at school, so we buy gift cards for shopping.

Pretty big deal that my homeschooler, the one with an autism spectrum disorder, was able to guess what was in my mind by the meaning in the clues she saw as we were shopping. I love the little signs of progress!

1 comment:

Bright Side of Life said...

Hi Penny
I have missed so many of your posts! I also noticed that you follow my blog (thank you very much)... Just need to tell you that my blog address has been stolen so if you click onto the link that you have, you will be taken to a car blog!!! If you would like to update your list... my new blog address is...

Thank you.

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