Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Reading Eggs, a TOS Crew Review


Reading Eggs is an online reading program for children. The internet is abuzz about Reading Eggs at the moment. Several internet chat groups are talking about it and are sharing discount codes for subscriptions (and yes, I'm referring to folks outside TOS Crew). Lots of families have fallen in love it Reading Eggs.

Reading Eggs is set up as a web site of games that are fun and engaging to children that build reading skills as children play. The subscription is reasonably priced at $75/year or $49/six months and users can sign up for a free 2-week trial with no credit card required. Monthly subscriptions are available for $9.95 a month. A sample of lessons is available here.


My homeschooler still struggles with reading. We brought our autism consultant to our town to work with us at home for three days in February; she tells us our girl's reading has improved. She still has a way to go, though, to be at grade level.
My girl was able to log in to Reading Eggs once on the "limping" laptop, and after that, we could not get it to load again. (The hard drive on our new laptop crashed and the laptop was returned to the manufacturer for repair during this review period.) Soon after that, our autism consultant recommended we cut off most of our homeschooler's electronic time for now to go through a period of electronic detox because electronics have begun getting in the way of everyday activities and functioning.

In a recent private online discussion about electronics addictions, I typed this: Kids like 'ours' (on the autism spectrum) tend to have developmental delays in the areas they need in order to have balance. Impulse control. Self-regulation. Self-control. Prioritizing necessary but non-preferred activities (has to do w/ executive functioning). Flexibility. Creative problem solving. Effects of consequences. If you have a child who is rigid, has little to no impulse control, no creative problem solving to rationalize they can work now, play later, etc, you can expect to see a bigger "addiction" to the electronics grow. The goal is to grow the areas where the kids are developmentally delayed while simultaneously limiting screen time.

We have more to balance than screen time and the attention it consumes (sometimes past the point of obsession).

We didn't get much of a chance with Reading Eggs due to our technical difficulties. My daughter complained that the Reading Eggs site is too babyish for her. We have a fine line between what she needs, developmentally, which tends to be younger in nature, and what she feels is too babyish for a 12 year old. That balance seems to get more complicated to attain as she grows up while her skills are still delayed.

Sometimes she uses the word "boring", and that typically means something is too difficult. We were not able to utilize the assessment the way I wanted with the laptop problems and the restrictions we imposed during the beginning of her computer detox period (she is still very restricted on electronics - and my house is not a lot of fun to her right now because of it).

When we get through our detox (and I have no idea how long that will take - it will take as long as it takes), yes, I will consider Reading Eggs, and I'll go month-to-month at first. Moms of kids w/ special needs in some of my internet chat groups are raving about it.

To read my Crewmates' reviews of Reading Eggs, please go here.

We were given a short trial of Reading Eggs to use to review for you. Reading Eggs is one of three review items that arrived during the period where the hard drive crashed on our new laptop and we were left waiting for the repair. When the laptop was returned, we were keeping the homeschooler off of the computer during a period of electronic detox. I regret the timing of the hard drive crash and detox time. This is an informational review. We were not able to use the product during the review time period.

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