Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Mathletics, a TOS Crew Review

Mathletics is a safe, website and online community, where students play games that cover all aspects of mathematics. A one-year subscription is priced at $59 per student. (According to our Crew blog page, "If you know the Human Calculator’s favorite number (hint: it’s ‘9’!) and you enter that when asked, you can purchase a single child subscription for $49.95 for a year at their website.")

We have a little problem at my house. Certain children don't stay on the web site that they're supposed to unless an adult is sitting right beside them. That's the downside to Mathletics for me right now. The laptop is not here during the day and room for two of us is limited at my PC.

My homeschooler and I have been able to sit down at the laptop a couple of times to try out Mathletics. She's beginning to grasp early concepts of math, and I recognize that she is doing more than rote memorization of math facts without understanding. I wondered how she would do with Mathletics. We started Mathletics at the beginning, with *sigh* screeching in protest. She quickly realized that she understood and was capable of doing the beginning games (pre-addition and subtraction) and whizzed through them. She's playing while working on some foundations she'll need later. It's a sneaky way to get some of that in. *grin* Her attention span fizzles quickly when she interprets something as difficult, and she needs me beside her to help her read and interpret instructions. I think for typically developing children who aren't held back by developmental challenges, this is a web site that they can play without adult supervision, unless you have a child who will sneak over to one of those subscription virtual animal world games because he can't resist.

She likes the "futuristic car" (her term) that drives on the monitor by when she completes a game.

The sections (preK, K) of Mathletics that I saw are solid with the purpose of laying foundations for the next steps. The graphics are attractive and the games are fun. I am planning to subscribe to Mathletics in the next two weeks.

There are instant workbooks in the teacher (parent) section that support online content. I like the convenience of workbooks that are on my computer so that I can print just the page or two that I need. I peeked ahead of where my homeschooler is, developmentally, and like what I see. Some of the spacial orientation workbooks remind me of Dr Feuerstein's instruments.

I think that subscribers get a lot for their money, especially with the access to the workbooks. My girl thinks it's fun and it reinforces what she's learning. Thumbs up from me!

Everyone on the Crew received a 45 day subscription to the Mathletics website so that we could review the site for you. To read the reviews of my Crewmates about this product, go HERE.

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