Sunday, December 7, 2008

Behind the scenes of a Swedish Christmas celebration

The sanctuary and the fellowship hall both were put back together when we arrived at church this morning, after having been COMPLETELY rearranged for the big Lucia day yesterday. I heard today that they began returning pews to the sanctuary around 4 pm yesterday, which means they tore down all those tables in an hour and a half. WOW.

A few pictures from Saturday:

Fellowship hall
Coffee, tea, water set up before first breakfast
Stirring the fruit soup (a Swedish tradition)
Table decorations waiting in the hall.
When the first breakfast is finished, these will go to the table for the second breakfast.
Doors that lead to the gym (gift shop)
gift shop
Here's a complete table setting, just before the first breakfast.
The bell tables:

The place in the fellowship hall set up to hold the dirty dishes:

Trays of cookies waiting for the first breakfast
Trays of glasses which will hold fruit soup, waiting for the first breakfast

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