Saturday, December 3, 2011

Dear Jolesch Photography

Dear Jolesch Photography,

I do not like your sales tactics.

You are the official photographer of Music for All's Band's of America Grand Nationals in Indianapolis.

As soon as our band's prelim performance was complete, the students were ushered to the stands for some group photos. One 'formal'; one, silly. Then they were ushered just outside the stadium for individual and small group (sections) pictures.

At the same time, we had a schedule to keep. We were in a hurry. Our students had to return instruments and uniforms to buses and trucks waiting in the parking lot. Our buses and trucks had to be off the lot at a specified time, so that other bands could enter in order to perform in prelims.

So, during the hurry to complete the individual and section photos, someone from Jolesch handed our students, most of them minors, a little form to fill out, and were told it was to give your parents a discount. A lot of our kids hurriedly completed one in the rush.

A couple of days ago, I received a bill from you for not one, but TWO 10x18 panoramic photos. The fine print tells me that I need to complete the order by paying for them. I called to cancel them, and to complain about the sales tactics.

My guess is that the little form you shoved at the kids in such a hurry did explain that they are indeed ordering two photos, but the kids had no time to read the form. They barely had time to complete it. My child's name is spelled wrong on my "bill"; the rep said they had trouble reading a lot of the handwriting. I'm sure you did. The kids were in a hurry, polite to comply with your request. My child can certainly spell her own name and her handwriting is neat, and if she'd had the time to write clearly, she'd have had time to read the fine print and realize you were trying to get her money.

You probably make a lot of money this way. That's why you do it. Because it works for you. People pay that "bill" without looking at it too closely.

I want you to know that the tactic infuriates me. I don't like the fact that you used the tactic with minors. Children. The tactic is sleazy and underhanded. If you are the chosen photographer at BOA events next year, I hope BOA restricts you from using this sales technique in the official photographer contract.


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