Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sizzlers and a Holiday Letter From a Child w/ Autism

Carol Barnier's "Sizzlebop" e-newsletter is another one that I appreciate. I learned about Carol Barnier in the past year from Crewmate April, who contributed to my blog in the spring (click on April's name to see that post).

Carol Barnier is the parent of a child who sounds, in many ways, like my child w/ asd. Her presentations at the homeschool convention were among my very favorites.

Barnier does not bombard my inbox with newsletters. They come only occasionally, and they are full of practical ideas, not advertisements. I like that.

This morning I opened my e-mail to see an e-newsletter from Barnier. It contains a holiday letter from a child with autism, written by Viki Gayhardt. I located that letter here, if you would like to read it.

Learn the meaning of the term "sizzle bop" and sign up for the free Sizzle Bop newsletter here.

I blogged about Barnier's most recent book here.

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