Saturday, March 27, 2010

Books for Children About the GFCF diet and Biomedical Treatment

I had the privilege to meet Dr. Janelle Love this morning at the AMAB conference. Dr. Love gave me two books to blog about.

I am so excited to tell you about these books. I had not found a series of books like these to help explain in simple terms some of the interventions we use on our journey to treat the medical challenges in autism.

Now I have.

Dr. Love has written three books (one is in the process of being published, I saw a preview this morning) for children to help them understand the GFCF diet and biomedical treatment.

If your child has ever asked, "Why does my poop get stuck?", like the child in the story, you'll like "Why Does My Belly Hurt?"

Dr. Love tells it like it is. She uses just enough words in the story. I like that. Sometimes, text can become an obstacle to comprehension and meaning, and these story books doesn't overdo the words, and use illustrations to help tell the story, the child's story, and that includes special diets and why we use special diets, why some children have to take special vitamins, all events my child can relate to (those important self-to-text and text-to-self comparisons in literacy development). Kim Taylor's illustrations are excellent. She's an autism mom, and not only is she a talented illustrator, she also understands visual learners, and the books are a wonderful tool to use with your child and their peers and sibs.

The books are available for purchase at .

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